Integrated Blackout Blinds

A Better Night’s Sleep for the Whole Family

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Are You Regulars at the 4am Club?

We’ve all been there – the little ones seeing the first sign of light and thinking it’s time to rise and shine (if only they did that when they got older)! Early rising is common in young children – they are particularly sensitive to disruptions in their environment and so the smallest thing can wake them.

But this can lead you to experience all manner of issues for both your child and yourself!

After all, if your child isn’t sleeping well, they won’t be as focused throughout the day. Whether they be in or out of school, that can be very disruptive to their learning. And as any parent knows, if your child isn’t sleeping well, neither are you!
Being tired will cause you to struggle more at work, as well as getting day-to-day tasks done at home less efficiently. Things like the household chores that would usually be quick and easy can feel overwhelming, and when it comes to playing with and caring for your baby, it can be hard to keep your eyes open!

We’re Passionate About Sleep That’s Why We Went on a Mission to Fix it for Everyone

So, why is your child not sleeping? There could be a number of reasons, but the most common ones include the level of darkness – or lack thereof – in their bedroom. You would be surprised just how sensitive children can be to light.

Other reasons might be their general sleep environment and things like if they’ve had a daytime nap or not – I think we can all agree that if we were given the option to have a nap during the day we’d grab it with both hands, so why do the lucky little things fight it?! But it’s true that how long it’s been since your child last slept can have a massive impact on how they sleep during the night.

Given that we can’t force a child to nap if they don’t want to, that leaves only one issue that we can actually control… the darkness of their room.

The Science of Sleep

To understand how we can help keep your little ones asleep for longer, it’s important we take a look at the science behind sleep. After all, the more we understand how something works, the better equipped we are to manipulate it to work for us!

You might think that sleep is simple – you’re awake during the day using your mind and body to explore the world. That can take a lot of energy and can be exhausting. At the end of the day, you get into bed and go to sleep so you’re well rested and recuperated with lots of energy for the next day – simple!

Turns out, it might not be quite so straightforward…

The Science of Sleep
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In fact, it’s all about a hormone called melatonin. Your brain produces melatonin in response to darkness, so as you can imagine – it’s a big player when it comes to sleep. Our bodies (including children) work on a 24-hour internal clock called a circadian rhythm, and melatonin is vital to keep that rhythm consistent and healthy.

If you’re exposed to light during your sleep time, that can seriously affect your brain’s production of melatonin, and this can cause you to wake up earlier than you should. See how this is starting to be relevant when it comes to helping your child sleep better?

In fact, our brains and bodies are so sensitive to light during our sleep, that even light coming through from under the door or in the gaps between the curtains and windows can make a big difference!
But if you’ve already got curtains or blinds, what more can you do to stop the light shining through into the room? That’s where we come in…

Sleep Like a Baby With Integrated Blackout Blinds…

We’ve worked with a certified sleep consultant to do all the research on how we can help you and your children get the best night’s sleep possible. We are passionate about working together with you to get you all sleeping – well – like a baby! So, how can we help?

The answer is integrated blackout blinds. Our research shows that most conventional curtains, blinds, and shutters are limited in their effectiveness and will still let in some light – as much as 30% light leakage in many cases. That’s why we’ve combined blackout blinds with shutters to ensure as much of the exterior light is blocked with expert precision.

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The key is to make sure your child’s room is dark enough that they can’t even see their hand, and that’s exactly what we’ve achieved. The darker the room, the more melatonin your child’s brain is able to produce leading to a far better night sleep – for them and for you!
And, as we have integrated our blackout blinds with shutters, that means that you can achieve near-100% complete darkness from your windows at any time – even during the day. You never know, you might end up convincing your child to have that daytime nap after all!

We’re so passionate about our blackout systems (and our own sleep!) that you can even use the interactive calendar on this page to book a day and time slot that suits you for a free video call with one of our expert team, so you can discuss any questions you have regarding our specialist integrated blackout blinds and how they might work for you.

Meet The Pro’s
Aiming to Fix the Nations Sleep

Michael Maguire
Michael Maguire​
Director of Riverside Shutters, a specialist blinds and shutters company operating since 2006.
Speciality: Blinds/Carpentry
Passion: Sleep!
Experience: 20+ years
Jay W
Certified Sleep Consultant
Jay W
A mum of 3 precious girls and a certified sleep expert, helping children and adults enjoy a better nights sleep.
Speciality: Sleep
Passion: Sleep!
Experience: 25+ years

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to Discuss Your Questions

Miike Maguire image
testimonial image
testimonial image

Since the first contact with Riverside Shutters we’ve been so impressed. They came out to measure our windows, gave us plenty of advice and tips, and they’re genuinely passionate and caring regarding the products they provide. The integrated blackout blinds that we went for have had a dramatic impact on the whole family’s quality sleep. Highly Recommended!

Isabelle & Josh Stevens

Middle Sex
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Since the first contact with Riverside Shutters we’ve been so impressed. They came out to measure our windows, gave us plenty of advice and tips, and they’re genuinely passionate and caring regarding the products they provide. The integrated blackout blinds that we went for have had a dramatic impact on the whole family’s quality sleep. Highly Recommended!

Isabelle & Josh Stevens

Middle Sex
testimonial image

Since the first contact with Riverside Shutters we’ve been so impressed. They came out to measure our windows, gave us plenty of advice and tips, and they’re genuinely passionate and caring regarding the products they provide. The integrated blackout blinds that we went for have had a dramatic impact on the whole family’s quality sleep. Highly Recommended!

Isabelle & Josh Stevens

Middle Sex

Watch Us
Install Integrated Blackout Blinds

About Riverside Shutters

A highly professional, long established (since 2006) independent shutter company based in SW London
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